Monday 15 April 2013

If It Feels Like Spring, Looks Like Spring, It Must Be Spring!

With the weather having warmed up over the weekend and the weeks forecast to remain that way, Spring feels like it has finally arrived after the coldest of winters. With the winter hopefully over, it is time to get the black leaky hose pipe out of the pump house and lay it on the herbaceous border, although last year it was never used due to the extremely wet summer.

Whilst Ali and Simon lay the hose pipe down, Joss gives the Nuffield lawn its first cut of the season, long shadows appear for the first time now that the sun is shining and the grey clouds, that were a feature of the winter, have disappeared.

Walking around the garden there are signs of spring everywhere, the beautiful, bright yellow, Brimstone butterfly and pollinating insects are seen for the first time. The Sparrowhawk has announced its return and new songs from the returning migrant birds can be heard by those who want to listen, even one of the tree ferns is smiling!

Spring also sees the birds working hard building their nests. A pair of Canada Geese have built their nest behind the ash tree, three eggs have been seen when they get up to gently turn them with their beak.

In the orchard the daffodils sway in a gentle breeze, their bright yellow trumpets heralding Springs arrival. All around it feels like Spring, looks like Spring, so it must be Spring! (Even the groundsmen have their legs on display, shorts on, there is no going back now.)

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