Tuesday 4 August 2015

The Smell Of Jeyes Fluid

19th June 2015

The large greenhouse has stood empty since the last of the plants were removed on the 19th June.

Today the deep clean began starting with the removal of the plant debris. Ali, using the battery powered, cordless leaf blower, carefully guided all the debris to one corner of the greenhouse. Then the wooden slatted tops were taken off the aluminium staging, placed on the floor in the central isle and the staging blown clear of debris and soil. Using a wire rake the pile was collected up and taken to the compost heap. Then greenhouse was now ready for disinfecting.

Jeyes Fluid, perfect for disinfecting the aluminium staging, the hard flooring and the stone, was mixed with water. For the staging the Jeyes was applied using a scrubbing brush and for the floor and stone it was applied using a watering can as a drench.

All the applied areas were then given a cold water wash off and allowed to dry.

Once dry, Ali turned her attention to cleaning the dirty mist unit, preparing it for the cuttings that will be in residence come September. The filthy top inch of sharp sand was removed revealing the soil warming cable that will provide bottom heat for the cuttings. Jeyes Fluid, mixed with water and applied using a scrubbing brush, was used to disinfect the wooden frame, mist nozzles and pipes, leaf sensor and polycarbonate side, and as with the rest of the greenhouse, once dry was given a cold water rinse with a clean brush. A fresh layer of sand will be placed on top of the cables in the coming weeks. All that remains to be done is to clean the inside of the greenhouse glass, brush the dirt off the wooden slatted tops and put them back on the aluminium staging, and wash Ali and her clothes as they stink of Jeyes Fluid!

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