Tuesday 30 January 2018

Extending The Five Year Old Yew Hedge

11th March 2013, New Hedge Containing 50 Yew

30th January 2018, 5 Years Later

The curved yew hedge beside the Provost's garage was planted five years ago, see blog entry 11th March 2013 'A New Yew Hedge' and today it was extended. Fifty yew were used to create the original hedge and now a further 15 have been added to it, the above photographs show just how much the original plants have grown (the large Lime tree on the right of the photo had to be felled due to disease). 

Ready For The New Section

Delivery From Branch Nurseries

Planting The Yew

The Yew were purchased from 'Branch Nurseries' in the East Midlands and delivered this morning, very good quality, British grown, rootball plants of between 80cm-120cm in height. Taken over to the area beside the Provost's garage, the yew hedging plants were placed along a string guide line to check the spacing, 3 plants per metre, and to make sure the hedge would be straight. Working one plant at a time, each was moved from its space in the line and a sufficient sized hole dug out where it had stood. The plant was then carefully lowered in to the planting hole, making sure it was upright and deep enough for the top of the rootball to be level with surrounding soil, the dug out soil was then back filled in to the hole around the rootball and then healed in to firm in. Lastly, when all had been planted they were given a good watering. In a few years the new hedge should blend in with the old.  

Extending The Hedge

A Right Angle At The End Of The Curve

Fifteen Yew

The Old And New Hedge

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